Thursday, February 24, 2011

Music Discovery App

Pocket Hipster is some new app you can download on you iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, etc..., I just read about that allows you to send music into a virtual "hipster" who critiques your current library of music and then reccommends a grip of cool new music to you. The article I checked out is at PR Newswire.

Two companies, The Echo Nest and We Are Hunted, teamed up to make this new app available which is pretty cool. Definitely check out those two companies sites, they are fun to play around with and have tons of music and apps to download if interested. Actually those two websites are a good way to explore music and find something new without the app they created.

So this is pretty cool for everyone who is looking for new music or just more of the same music. I do not know exactly how they get their music other than what they call data mining but it seems like they are doing a descent job.

Monday, February 7, 2011

First Blog Ever!

I guess you I am shooting for the most improved award when it comes to design.

I am going to learn the most from this blog because I am not anywhere close to an expert of music....yet! The plan is to dive into the music industry as deeply as possible to see how artists begin their business ventures/careers. I want to know how they start out and begin marketing their own flavor to make it different and get it listened to by the right people. How exactly does music transition from garage band material into a produced end result getting listened to by an average person without a digital hunt on the internet.

There is much more business and digital media waiting to get explored and exploited from music where it is currently not. Tons of awesome music goes unheard beneath the social radar of the radio mainly due to the lack of resources. If nothing else I want to find some music I should be listening to in the opinion of the rest of you, something different and new...